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How to burst that writer’s block bubble

If you've ever written anything, you've probably struggled with the affliction not-so-affectionately called "writer's block." We've all been there: staring into the void of a blank word document, hypnotized by the blinking cursor of doom. So when you hit that wall, what do you do?

Writer's block affects everyone differently, so it makes sense that potential cures for this problem come in a range of forms. We're here to break down several of these writer's block cures. Hopefully one or more

of them can help you bust through those mental barriers and continue on your writing journey!

Option 1: Take some time away

If your end goal is to make progress, this writer's block cure might seem counter-intuitive. But just like people need vacations to come back to work with fresh motivation and productivity, sometimes your creativity and storytelling skills need a break too. Take a few days off, hang out with friends and family, and participate in activities you enjoy to return inspired.

Option 2: Talk through your options

Sometimes a fresh perspective is all it takes. And if taking some time away isn't enough, you can always seek out a trusted friend or family member to look at the situation with fresh eyes. They might suggest an option you hadn't considered, and the act of describing your situation to a third party alone often leads to new insights and self-discovery.

Option 3: Seek a change of scenery

Writing inside the same four walls gets old after a while. Changing up where, when, and how you're writing might make a difference. Leave your usual workspace behind and head to that new coffee shop you've been meaning to try. Write outside. Use a pen and paper to write the old-fashioned way if you've been using a laptop. Listen to new music while you work. Get creative!

Option 4: Mix mediums

If altering your writing set-up doesn't work, changing the tools at your disposal might. Try mapping out your options, or let your imagination run loose and doodle your obstacles away. Brainstorming with tree diagrams, mind maps, and even post-it notes can help!

Option 5: Read other people's stories

Ask any bestselling author how to become a better author and they'll all invariably tell you the same thing: read more. Reading not only helps us become better writers; it exposes us to a wider range of literary techniques, life experiences, and storytelling styles that can inform the way we tell our own narratives. So next time you're stuck, crack open that book that's been haunting your nightstand for months. It might just lend you that idea you've been waiting for.

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